10 or 20 pair bulk buy - Witch hat pumpkin half inch studs for earrings

10 or 20 pair bulk buy - Witch hat pumpkin half inch studs for earrings

Regular price $4.00 Sale price $9.00 Unit price per
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Great for sublimation 3mm thick.

1/2 inch round for stud earrings.

Print size .39x.51

They do not come with hardware.

All you need is stud backs  and glue.

I'm offering them in a 10 pair pack and a 20 pair pack, you can pick the option you would like with the drop down bar. 

They do have a protective covers on them that you need to remove before you press. It is a clear film. 

Press 400 temp for 60 seconds hard press and done. 

Processing time for the cut blanks are 2-7 days, we do cut them in house.

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