1.50x6.50 bar withOUT holes ( bookmark ) - 5 piece or 10 piece purchase
1.50x6.50 bar withOUT holes ( bookmark ) - 5 piece or 10 piece purchase
1.50x6.50 bar withOUT holes ( bookmark ) - 5 piece or 10 piece purchase
1.50x6.50 bar withOUT holes ( bookmark ) - 5 piece or 10 piece purchase

1.50x6.50 bar withOUT holes ( bookmark ) - 5 piece or 10 piece purchase

Regular price $5.60 Sale price $25.00 Unit price per
Shipping calculated at checkout.

Print your transfers to size  1.60x6.65

Purchase either a 5pc or a 10pc pack - single or double sided

10pc is the wholesale bundle price

Remove the protective film from the items before pressing. Press 400 temp for 60 sec.

Processing time is 2-7 business days 

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