Star Without holes - Wall Hanger - 3 sizes to choose from -  Sublimation Blank  - 1 sided  or 2 sided options
Star Without holes - Wall Hanger - 3 sizes to choose from -  Sublimation Blank  - 1 sided  or 2 sided options

Star Without holes - Wall Hanger - 3 sizes to choose from - Sublimation Blank - 1 sided or 2 sided options

Regular price $1.40 Sale price $18.00 Unit price per
Shipping calculated at checkout.

 You can purchase either single sided or double sided.

Use the drop down bar to pick your size and if you would like single sided or double sided

 Remove the protective from the items before pressing. Press hard at 400 temp for 60 sec.

Print your transfers at the sizes listed below:

The 4 inch size print 4x4.20

The 8 inch size print 7.80x8.10

The 12 inch size print 12.30x12.80

I do offer many designs in sublimation and digital for this blank, please take a look through the website.  

 Processing time for the cut blanks are 1-7 days, we do cut them in house. 

If you do not pick priority shipping your order will not have shipping insurance, if something is damaged during shipping you will not be able to replace it if you do not have this insurance, Please check website main page for more shipping information.

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